
Differential Protection Relays Block 7UT512N

Original price was: ₹125.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

7UT512 differential protection relay for transformers, generators, motors and short lines


Features :-
1. Short–circuit protection for two and three–winding transformers with integrated vector group and ratio adaptation. Restraint during inrush, overex-citation and CT–saturation.
2. Short–circuit protection for generators and motors with high setting sensitivity.
3. Overload protection with a thermal characteristic for 2 windings/2 termination.
4. Direct injection of two external open commands.
5. Marshallable binary inputs, LEDs, alarm and tripping relays.
6. Operational current measurement.
7. Fault recording
8. ommissioning aid

This Differential Protection Relays Block is easily insert in your schematic diagram and connect as you like way.

The 7UT512 differential protection relays are used for fast and selective isolation of short-circuits in transformers
of all voltage levels and also in rotating electric machines and short lines. The particular application can be chosen by setting. In this way an optimal adaptation of the relay to the protected object can be achieved. The protection relay can be parameterized for use with three–phase and single–phase transformers. In addition to this, a thermal replica is integrated for the supervision of the ohmic losses in the plant. Two variants of the differential relay can be supplied: The device 7UT512 with a compact design is suited for two–winding transformers as well as for motors or generators and short lines. A standby over current–time protection and two thermal monitor-ing functions are also integrated. The device can interface with conventional control systems or alternatively be integrated in the modern INAUT LSA substation control system. Within its compact construction, the device contains all the components required for capture and evaluation of measurands, operator panel and display field, alarm and command outputs, binary inputs, serial interfaces and power supply converter. The device can be supplied in three case variations. The model for panel surface mounting is supplied with two–tier terminals accessible from the front. The variants for panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting have rear connection terminals and are available with or without glass cover. The 7UT51 differential protection units have a complete, digital analog value processing function ranging from sampling and digitizing the analog values to operating decisions for the circuit–breaker. Digital techniques in the measurement process extensively suppress the influence of switching currents (inrushs), high–frequency transients, transient DC current components and varying degrees of CT saturation.


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