
Tripping And Control Relays Block MVAJ05

Original price was: ₹125.00.Current price is: ₹100.00.

The MVAJ range comprises highly reliable hinged armature relays designed to directly operate circuit breaker trip coils. Built to very
high specifications, the MVAJ range provides a highly flexible and reliable link between the protective relays and the circuit breakers.


Features and technical specifications:

  1. Directly operates circuit breaker trip coils
  2. High reliability
  3. High speed operation
  4. Negligible contact bounce
  5. 10 contacts in Midos size 2 case
  6. Supplied as high burden
  7. Low burden selectable by removing an external link
  8. Hand, electrical, hand or electrical and self reset versions
  9. Reset inhibition feature
  10. Immunity to wiring capacitance discharge
  11. Delayed cut-off available in high burden applications
  12. AC or DC operation for low burden configuration
  13. 2.5 second time delay

Application :-

Self reset relays reset when the initiating signal is removed, making them suitable for use as trip relays in auto-reclose schemes and also for general flagging purposes. Hand reset relays require manual resetting making them effective lockout relays, which are commonly used to trip circuit breakers associated with transformers. Electrical reset relays require a voltage to be applied to the unit to reset the contacts. These relays may be used in auto-reclose schemes, or where remote resetting of the relay is required.

Models Available :-

  1. Trip relays :- Trip relays possess a standard hand reset flag and operate within 10ms. Table 1 shows the trip relay versions available.
  2. Control relays:-  Control relay variants of each trip relay are available. These relays possess a following flag and operate in approximately 15ms.
  3. All relays configured for high burden applications are suitable for dc operation only.

This Tripping And Control Relays Block is easily insert in your schematic diagram and connect as you like way.

Protective relays are precise measuring devices, the contacts of which should not be expected to switch large electrical loads. In some
cases, the protective relay may trip a circuit breaker directly, or according to the coil rating and the number of circuits to be energised,
may do so using a MVAJ tripping relay. The MVAJ relay interfaces the protection relay with the circuit breaker to provide the higher
contact capacity, additional contacts for tripping multiple circuit breakers, control functions, signalling and interlocking. When configured for high burden applications the burden is either cut off at operation or is economised to a low figure instantaneously. These relays, supplied as high burden, are suitable for use in high security circuit breaker tripping circuits. The high burden provides greater immunity to capacitance
discharge currents, which can result at the inception of an earth fault on battery wiring. This makes the relays particularly suitable for use in distributed tripping or control relay contact logic schemes, where the initiating contact may be remote from the relay. The relays are built around a simple magnetic latch system which holds the attracted armature unit in the operated state. Versions have either one or two
elements depending upon the number of output contacts required. The contacts themselves have been designed specifically to minimise the amount of contact bounce experienced on the relay.


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